Sunday, January 07, 2007

Remember having fried chicken after church on Sundays with lots of friends and family around? We would spend the remainder of the afternoon on the couch snoozing. There was always a front porch on the house and a dog waiting by the door for scraps from dinner. A big black dog with a long red tongue and eyes that said "I haven't eaten in years." There was only room on that porch for one dog.
This painting is, "One Dog Porch."
I hope you like it.


Blogger nomoreallgone said...

I love this painting. I never lived in a house exactly like this, but it puts me in mind of the 2 flat I lived in when I was young. Just lazing on a sunny afternoon, enjoying family, and the warmth of the sun, without a care in the world.

The house really stands out against the green of the trees. And the road that wraps around the curve makes me curious as to where it leads. The striking yellow roof along with the pale reds and pinks suggest a warmth about the house. It seems like a place where one would feel at home.

2:44 PM  

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